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Safety Compliance & Awareness Training

Certificate Course

2 hr
225 US dollars
Jacques Mitchell Enterprises.

Service Description

After completing this active shooter training course, employees will be able to: • Properly be able to prepare themselves during a threatening situation • Explain & recognize signs that an active threat is near • Identify the optimum action to take if confronted with a workplace shooter and execute the strategy • Under what to do as the police arrive on the scene • Discuss & illustrate warning signs of possible workplace violence • Discuss how to adequately prepare themselves for a threatening situation Safety Compliance & Awareness Training is also for: Emergency Management, Human Resources and Management • The Safety Compliance & Awareness Training program helps persons of management and Human Resources (HR) prepare their staff for a possible threat incident. It will provide direction to help companies and individuals who have survived such a traumatizing incident recover from the tragedy. Upon completing the training program, management & human resources will be able to properly: • Identify & describe the proper actions management can take to assist the organization recover from an active shooter or threat incident • Identify actions their organization can take to prepare for a workplace shooter or threat incident

Contact Details


2825 Oak Lawn Avenue, Dallas, TX, USA

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